Strategy of french language and literature Department

3/13/2012 3:42 PM
Vision and Mission
As it is with the Department of English, the Department of French was founded to meet the increasing needs of the Jordanian community, particularly, in Aqaba to have well-qualified and trained graduates in French language. Such a language, French, is significant on the cultural, political and economic levels. The great need to a number of graduates in this field is to reinforce the bilateral collaboration between the Kingdom and France in addition to other countries where French is spoken.
Indeed, the stability in the Jordanian market has positively affected the  French investment. Jordan has witnessed recently a huge increase in the amount of French investments in different areas: tourism, industry etc. Doors are widely opened for the graduates from the Department to fill various slots in the market place. The University of Jordan, as usual, has had a leading role in making available qualified cadres specializing in French to meet such increasing needs.

Department of French language and literature
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